Discover / historical place

Abbey of San Secondo and Olivetani Monastery
Abbey/Church of the Pieve Confini
Ancient Customhouse Palace
Ancient public washhouse
Ancient Village of Fallera
Baldeschi Palace
Beccatiquesto and Beccatiquestaltro (‘Get this and get that’)
Bell Tower in Paciano
Bell tower of the Town Hall of Paciano
Birthplace of Saint Margaret of Cortona
Buitoni Fortress/Tower
Capra Palace
Casa di Boldrino da Panicale
Castle of Pieve del Vescovo
Castle of Polvese Island
Castle of the Knights of Malta
Ceramic representation of the Via Romea-Germanica
Church of San Rocco (or San Sebastiano) / Chapel of the Fallen
Clock Tower
Community oven of Antria
Community oven of Mongiovino
Community oven of Monte del Lago
Community oven of Montecolognola
Community oven of Oliveto
Convent of San Giovanni
Convent of Sant’Antonio da Padova
Corgna Palace and the Medieval Fortress
Corgna Palace of Città della Pieve
Crypt and Church of Colle San Paolo
Eleuteri Airport
Etruscan necropolis of Strozzacapponi and Fosso Rigo
Etruscan tomb of Paradiso
Exhibition Center on Medieval and Renaissance Culture – Santa Maria Gate Tower
Fonte della Trova – Historical Wellspring
Fonte della Venella – fonte storica
Fonte della Venella – Historical Wellspring
Fonte delle Cannelle – Historical Wellspring
Former Abbey of the Pievaccia
Glass Museum
Guglielmi Castle
Hannibal Museum and Hannibal Path
Hermitage of Monte Malbe / Retreat of San Salvatore
Hermitage of Santa Maria del Sasso – Monte Malbe
House of the Captain of the People or of the Ancient Clock – Isola Maggiore
Houses of the Holy Mary Confraternity of Miracles
Lambardi Tower
Leaning Tower of Vernazzano
Maggiore Island
Medieval fortress of Passignano
Medieval Palazzetto – Bartocci’s House
Monte Pausillo
Monte Ruffiano and ‘Witches Tower’
Montecolognola Village
Monument on the water
Monument to the glassmakers and Rocolo Park
Old Mongiovino Castle
Orlando Tower and old Paciano
Palace Misciattelli – Pallavicini
Peasant house / Granary of Memory – Church of San Felice Papa
Peasant House Museum
Pischiello Villa
Podestà’s Palace
Rossini Palace
Sala consiliare di Paciano
Salci village
San Vito Bell Tower
Sanctuary of Madonna dell’Oliveto
Secular Oak and Necropolis of Bruscalupo
Solomeo Village
Sorbello Castle
Stairs of San Bernardino
The Springs
Torre Fiume (or Tower of Fiume)
Tower of Borghetto
Triangular Tower
Tuoro Former-Customs Office
Umberto I Square
Via dello “Spedale” – Hospital Street
Vicolo Baciadonne (‘Kissing-Women Alley’)
Villa/Mansion Aganoor-Pompilj
Villa/Mansion Schnabl-Rossi
Zocco Castle and San Macario Church