Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima / Church of San Francesco

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima / Church of San Francesco


Few people know, but the first Italian sanctuary dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima is located in Città della Pieve. Located inside the church of San Francesco, it is also called the ‘Sanctuary of the Children’.

The building is in Romanesque style, with a linear facade and a gabled roof. Inside, it preserves a statue that reproduces the Madonna of Fatima, the table with the Virgin enthroned by Domenico Alfani, the large and evocative fresco with the Crucifixion of Jesus, dating back to the mid-14th century, and the Weeping of the Angels, a work by Jacopo di Mino del Pellicciaio.

Largo della Vittoria, 6
Città della Pieve

0578 299677 347 7757137