Beccatiquesto and Beccatiquestaltro (‘Get this and get that’)

Beccatiquesto and Beccatiquestaltro (‘Get this and get that’)

Historical place

A challenge between medieval towers immersed in the Castiglion del Lago countryside.

Two ancient border towers on the border between Umbria and Tuscany, between Lake Trasimeno and that of Chiusi.
Two rival towers facing 100 meters away from each other, one more elegant and smaller, the other more rugged but more impressive.

Beccatiquesto (‘Get This!‘) was built in 1279 by the Sienese Guelphs, as a symbol of their dominion over the border territories. With the clear intention of repairing the affront immediately, the reply of the Perugians was not long in coming: a few years later, the Tuscan tower was obstructed the view by BeccatiQuestAltro (‘Get That!‘), a massive construction in travertine, built in a higher position on a hill a few meters from the border.

The two towers, outposts of the rival factions with bizarre names, were never actually used as military structures, but only as gabelle stations, to collect passing taxes from those who crossed this stretch of the Valdichiana.

At the moment, time-tested, the two towers cannot be visited internally, but as a whole and with their mocking names they still tell today the suggestions of the spirit of that era, in which it was important to mock the opponent as well as defeat him with the weapons.

SP 301
Castiglione del Lago