About 400 meters from Castiglion Fosco, a short distance from the road that leads to Greppolischieto, stands the church of San Giovanni, built in 1545. The convent was called the Hermitage or Cemetery of the Conventual Friars of Perugia. The convent was suppressed by Pope Innocent X in 1640 and the church, with the title of San Giovanni Battista, remained a simple chaplaincy. Currently the church is in ruins and very few traces remain of the adjoining convent.
The most valuable work preserved in the church of San Giovanni was a polychrome wooden statue depicting the Madonna seated with the Child standing on her knees, restored in 2015 and now preserved in the church of Santa Croce, also in Castiglion Fosco. The statue, built from a single trunk of olive wood, has a deep look that makes it resemble Byzantine iconography more than Christian iconography.
Castiglion Fosco