Church of San Lorenzo – Greppolischieto

Church of San Lorenzo – Greppolischieto


The ancient parish church dedicated to San Lorenzo, which has been listed since the beginning of the 14th century, was originally located outside the walls of the ancient castle of Greppolischieto. In 1571, the apostolic delegate decided to facilitate the inhabitants and to transfer the title of parish to the church of Santa Maria Maddalena which was located within the town, which therefore took the name of San Lorenzo of the ancient parish and which was restored and enlarged.

The church has a rectangular plan, is supported by four large arches and consists of a single nave with a small chapel containing the baptismal font. On the sides of the altar are the simulacra of St. Joseph and the Virgin Mary. The interior preserves a fresco depicting the Virgin with child next to Saints Sebastian and Antonio Abate and, in the apse portion, also a small grotto in imitation of the grotto of the Madonna of Lourdes.
