Church of Madonna del Serraglio

Church of Madonna del Serraglio


Located just outside the walls of the castle of Corciano at the intersection of two streets, it was originally a small votive shrine containing the image of the Madonna enthroned with the marching Child, a fourteenth-century fresco with French-inspired iconography, now located in the apse.
There are several hypotheses about the name Serraglio: in the past it could have been a place of punishment, a sort of cage or prison in which turbolent or unwanted people were ridiculed; it could also be an old tavern where travelers and pilgrims found refuge or, even more simply, a place where a shelter for animals was located.

The current church was built following a miraculous event: it is said that one day the horse of a local gentleman suddenly and inexplicably raged, running wildly tossing the gig to the right and left, and then stopped passing right in front of the votive shrine.

Crossroad between Via del Serraglio and Via Bonciari